domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Prince 2 ?

Gostaria muito de compartilhar com voces esta metodologia , voltada para projetos de TI , muito bom para pensar...desculpe por estar em ingles...

What are the PRINCE2 qualifications and what will they teach me?

There are two PRINCE2 qualification levels: PRINCE2 Foundation and PRINCE2 Practitioner.

A PRINCE2 Foundation qualification will teach you the PRINCE2 principles, terminology and when qualified you will be able to act as an informed member of a project management team using the PRINCE2 methodology within a project environment supporting PRINCE2.

A PRINCE2 Practitioner qualification is the highest level of PRINCE2 qualification and will teach you to apply PRINCE2 to the running and managing of a project within an environment supporting PRINCE2. Once qualified you will be able to apply and tune PRINCE2 to address the needs and problems of a specific project scenario. You will have a comprehensive knowledge of the relationships between the PRINCE2 processes, components, techniques and PRINCE2 products and will understand the principles underpinning these elements.

How do I get a PRINCE2 qualification? How do I get PRINCE2 certification?

For a PRINCE2 Foundation qualification you should complete an accredited PRINCE2 computer based training course or PRINCE2 classroom course including the official exam for the PRINCE2 basics and terminology and to gain PRINCE2 Foundation certification.

To become a registered PRINCE2 Practitioner, which is the highest level of PRINCE2 qualification, you need to complete an accredited PRINCE2 Practitioner blended learning course or PRINCE2 Practitioner classroom course, both of which include the PRINCE2 Foundation qualification and both exams.

Um comentário:

  1. Basta fazer uma pesquisa de emprego e ver que prince2 não é muito falado por este lado do oceano.
    Em parte porque PMBoK é de origem Americana e Prince2 é de origem Inglesa. O mais engraçado é que se fala bastante de ITIL.
    Os dois são originários da mesma "casa" e o apareciento de um sucedeu ao outro. A minha introdução ao Prince2 foi no inicio deste século quando tive de organizar um callcenter e um helpdesk e comecei a estudar ITIL.
    Deixo algumas coisas que me ajudaram a fazer o caminho inverso: de Prince2 para PMBoK, e perceber que se complementam muito bem.

    "PRINCE2 is a series of Processes, Components and Techniques suitable for any size or subject of project. According to some, it describes what a project manager should do. I would think that a PRINCE2 practitioner must possess knowledge in order to execute on the specified actions! PRINCE2 is most prevalent in the UK, but does have an extensive and growing worldwide following.
    The PMBOK is a collection of knowledge areas and process groups. According to some, it describes what a Project Manager should know. I would think that, in order to be effective, a project manager would make this knowledge actionable! The PMI has the largest following - more than PRINCE2 - and is very much worldwide, although more prevalent in the Untied states."
    John Reiling

    e um trabalho de um guru do PMBok, R. Max Wideman:"Comparing PRINCE2 with PMBoK®"

    Obrigado por falar em Prince2.
